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  1. Channel Settings
  2. Field Separator

This setting can be used to change the separator between items in a command.

By default the separator is set to , but you can change this at any time with quotation marks.

Pseudocode of how the separator is used in commands is below;

let mut separator: &str;

separator = " | ";
// [MVP+] caykie's Bed Wars Stats — Level: 94 ⭐ | Final Kills: 2,774 | Wins: 840
separator = ", ";
// [MVP+] caykie's Bed Wars Stats — Level: 94 ⭐, Final Kills: 2,774, Wins: 840

Set the Separator

To set the separator, replace <separator> with the desired separator in double quotation marks, (”);

  • Usage: -settings separator set <separator>
  • Example: -settings separator set " | "

View the Separator

You can view the separator at any point by running the following command;

  • Usage & Example: -settings separator view

Reset the Separator

You can reset the separator back to the default , with the following commands;

  • Usage and Example: -settings separator reset
  • Confirm Reset: -settings separator reset confirm